When there are too many visitors to the server, the following error might appear on your browser.

What we most often encounter is HTTP 4xx
and 5xx
. So what do they mean?
HTTP 4xx -> Client Errors
Status Code | Name | Reason |
400 | Bad Request | The request syntax is incorrect, and the server cannot understand it. |
401 | Unauthorized | The user has not been authenticated, and valid credentials are missing. |
403 | Forbidden | The user is authenticated but does not have sufficient permissions. |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource does not exist (URL error or resource removed). |
405 | Method Not Allowed | An HTTP method that is not allowed was used. |
408 | Request Timeout | The server timed out waiting for the request. |
409 | Conflict | The request conflicts with the current state of the resource. |
413 | Payload Too Large | The request payload is too large, exceeding the server’s size limit. |
414 | URI Too Long | The requested URI is too long, exceeding the server’s processing capacity. |
429 | Too Many Requests | The request rate is too high, triggering the server’s rate limit. |
HTTP 5xx -> Server Errors
Status Code | Name | Reason |
500 | Internal Server Error | An unknown internal error occurred on the server. |
501 | Not Implemented | The server does not support the requested functionality or method. |
502 | Bad Gateway | The gateway or proxy server received an invalid response from upstream. |
503 | Service Unavailable | The server is temporarily unavailable (e.g., overloaded or under maintenance). |
504 | Gateway Timeout | The gateway or proxy server did not receive a timely response from upstream. |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. |
In addition to 4 and 5, HTTP status codes also include other categories. The complete HTTP status code is divided into five categories, each of which has a specific purpose and meaning.
Other Categories of Code
Status Code | Name | Reason |
100 | Continue | The client should continue sending the remainder of the request. |
101 | Switching Protocols | The server agrees to switch protocols (e.g., from HTTP to WebSocket). |
102 | Processing | The server is processing the request but has not yet completed it. |
103 | Early Hints | Provides early hints to help the client preload critical resources. |
2xx Successful Responses
Status Code | Name | Reason |
200 | OK | The request was successful, and the response contains the requested data. |
201 | Created | The request was successful, and a new resource was created. |
202 | Accepted | The request has been accepted but has not yet been processed. |
204 | No Content | The request was successful, but there is no content to return. |
206 | Partial Content | The server is returning only part of the resource (used for range requests). |
3xx Redirection Messages
Status Code | Name | Reason |
300 | Multiple Choices | The resource has multiple options, and the client needs to choose one. |
301 | Moved Permanently | The resource has been permanently moved to a new location. |
302 | Found | The resource is temporarily located at a different URI. |
303 | See Other | The response can be found under a different URI (often used after POST). |
304 | Not Modified | The resource has not been modified; the client can use its cached version. |
307 | Temporary Redirect | The resource is temporarily located at a different URI (method unchanged). |
308 | Permanent Redirect | The resource has been permanently moved to a new location (method unchanged). |
Related information come from Blogs on CSDN and Qwen